Logo: BergWerk Berlin
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Our children's parties: A complete success whatever the weather!

Dear children, celebrate your next party at BergWerk.Berling and make your day an unforgettable experience. First you'll get to extensively climb in the climbing park. You'll then be served a tasty celebration day set meal in your very own decorated party booth at our rustic coffee bar Lange Schicht. And if it's your birthday, you'll also of course get a special present from us on your special day. Of course your friends will also receive small BergWerk-style surprises to take with them. It's a children's party which is hard to top and secondly, an all-round carefree package for parents. All that for just 10,- Euro per person on top of the respective Climbing prices. Click here for more info. Let´s party!
Dear children, celebrate your next party at BergWerk.Berling and make your day an unforgettable experience. First you'll get to extensively climb in the climbing park. You'll then be served a tasty celebration day set meal in your very own decorated party booth at our rustic coffee bar Lange Schicht. And if it's your birthday, you'll also of course get a special present from us on your special day. Of course your friends will also receive small BergWerk-style surprises to take with them. It's a children's party which is hard to top, and secondly an all-round carefree package for parents


The process at BergWerk.Berlin

On arrival 
(arrive 15 mins early):
Payment & handing in of the Consent form
Climbing brief (approx. 0.5 Hrs): Donning the equipment & safety brief
Climbing on the suitable course (1 or 2 Hrs): Ages 3 and up
Min. 1.10 m tall (usu. ages 6 and up)
Min. 1.30 m tall (usu. ages 8 and up)
Ages 12 and up
Food and party (1 Hr): In a colourfully decorated booth
Time needed on site: 2.5 or 3.5 Hours
Work and stress at home: Avoided

Preperation & Checklist

Booking well in advance: Mandatory! 
Book a date now
Payment: Upon booking
Ordering of set-meal: Up to 5 days before event
Consent form:
Print out & fill in
Note: A booth reservation is only possible if climbing 
Reserving a booth: only with min. 6 meals possible
Children's party checklist : Click here to open
Party invitations: Click here to open

Menu choice & prices

Menu Heißer Hund:
(11.- Euro p.p.)
1x Hotdog
1x Muffin
1x Capri-Sun
Menu Lecker Pizza:
(13.- Euro p.p.)
4x Slices Pizza Margeritha
1x Muffin
1x Capri-Sun
Menu BigPizza:
(16.- Euro p.p.)
1x Pizza Margeritha (? 30cm)
1x Muffin
1x Capri-Sun
BYO Party: 
Bring your favorite food
(60.- Euro fee per table)

Excl. box (up to 10 pers.)
laid table, decoration,
service & final cleaning

Every participant receives: 1x Climbing certificate
1x BergWerk sticker
Experience present for the birthday boy/girl: Voucher for 
MinigolfKutumba, etc.
Menu price: Gets added to the respective Climbing price


Opening hours: Here
Children's info flyer: Here
Our climbing courses: BergWerk.mini
Gruppenangebote: Nursery school
School classes
Clubs etc.
Especially for teenagers: Team event
Also interesting: Private party
Venue for party etc.
(up to 120 people):
Lange Schicht
High Five Club
Contact us: (030) 99 27 43 73
To book: Book now

News & Specials

Night climbing special

Holiday adventure for the whole family. See dates!


Bachelor party special

Your last party before the wedding begins here!


Exciting school trips special

Cool offers for school classes and youth groups!